Fruits of the Spirit is a photographic and narrative project, I worked on with Dr. Gloria Nixon Pone, and her husband Dr. Darrell Pone, the project first started out interviewing seasoned individuals who had a story to tell, and who believed in Faithfulness, Patience, Peace, Love, Joy and Kindness, all the Fruits of the spirit that are portrayed in the biblical verse Galatians 5.
Then it turned into trans-generational testimonies that stimulate readers to contemplate a closer relationship with God and their families. The stories are meant to heighten individuals beliefs and inspire.
It was very exciting exploring the lives of the individuals in the book, they were chosen because they inspired many individuals around them. It was an extreme pleasure having the opportunity to interview as well as photograph them in their natural enviornment.
The stories were engaging especially because they were everyday people who served in the army, bankers, professors, business owners, and a few couples who were just madly in love. To hear the wisdom they had to offer was like sweet melodies to my ear, it was a tune that will stick with me for a lifetime, it helped

Robert and Gertrude Ford met in the sixth grade, I adored interviewing and photographing them, they were like kindred spirits, they have been married going on fifty two years now. They said their love for God and one another kept them going through him serving in the Korean war, and through the civil rights movement, they both endured many things, good and bad. Their love keeps them spunky and youthful as if they were still tweenty years old.
Willam Wheeler whom was a Howard University Graduate, and after graduation a Tuskegee airman pilot, pulled my heart strings with his love for life and his undying passion for his late wife, her legend lives for ever, as you can see in the photo below, a framed photograph with the two of them in

James Broach with his Bible in hand, served the New York community as a transit worker for the New York Police Department. He says," that real power is standing up for what you believe in; being strong enough to take whatever comes, and not showing resentment; focusing on the positive; and helping others is the only way to live life".
to purchase the book or to get more information, go to www.poneinspirations.com