Journeying through the beautiful land of Ethiopia, I spent most of my time in Jelduh at the Maranatha church, which is west of Addis Ababa, the capital city. In this area lies the largest tribe of Ethiopia, the Oromo people.
I had the opportunity and pleasure to be welcomed daily by the Oromo people to their religious and spiritual practices; attending church service and worship with them. Even though I could not understand their language and dialects, I felt their immense spirit.
I walked up hills and through villages, ate traditional foods, joined with them in praise and worship and played with their children. As a photographer, it was the best experience ever as I captured moment after moment, song after song, dance after dance, and breath after breath through the lens of my camera.
I met an English-speaking native by the name of yohannes, whom I accompanied on a tour ride around the city and into the countryside. I was relieved to know I could engage with someone who was familiar with the surroundings. He gave me a grand tour of the many historical churches in Addis Ababa, several people-congested markets and shopping areas.
The taxi ride was exhilarating. I took great pleasure in the beautiful weather, the cool breeze and the warm sun. To be able to step outside of my everyday comfort zone and experience the beauty of the people, the love in their hearts and the joy in their spirits, is something I hope my photography has captured much better than I can explain in words.
In the midst of the beauty and profoundness of it all, I immediately became aware of how my work and my love of photography and the joy of capturing their hearts and spirits can help in some small way not only eradicate poverty, but also improve a primitive farming system, poor medical care, inadequate schooling and poor infrastructures.
a. Location is in Jeldu at the Center
b. Total Cost 65,000.00 US Dollars
c. Square Meter 6,000
d. Teachers will be taken out of government schools and paid training for the school in jelduh they must be trained and paid $60.00 USD a month
e. Christian school with Christian teachers
f. Starting will only be Kindergarten
a. Needs a deposit of 3,000, the government wants to see the net of personal account
b. Land for Cow Farming
a.200 meter depth
b. For drilling and related cost
c. 6,782.00 USD
d. Pipe laying 2 kilometers 6,897.00 USD
e. Generator House 2,758.00USD
f. Generator/ Pump Installation 3,483.00 U
e. Cattle Trough (hold water for the cattle) 2874.00 USD
g. Water Point 1724.00 USD
IV Need PA system
94,134.00 USD
Total Cost will be 1 million Birr